About Bimeh.com
Insurance search engine “bimeh.com” is one of our products in insurance tech filed which started in April 2018. Some of main services of bimeh.com are sales and marketing of different kinds of insurances among all the price inquiries, registration and purchase any kind of insurance. So, customers can go through the list of insurance companies within the website, compare and choose whatever suits them better. The whole process in online and the documents will be sent as quick as possible.
There is also a marketing section in Bimeh.com so marketers can sell any kind of insurance unconditionally 24/7 and receive commission. This is the first online platform in the country for insurance marketers to make the whole process easier, faster and more available.
Customer oriented, precise information, neutrality, possibility of compare and purchase, user friendly UI and 24/7 technical support are some of main advantages of bimeh.com. Also, proudly contract party with some of the most credible insurance companies of Islamic Republic of Iran such as Mo’alem, Parsian, Mellat, Sina, Pasargad, Raazi, Dey, Iran, Asia, Saman, Novin, Karaafarin and ext. in terms of sales and marketing in variety forms. Bimeh.com aimed to make an safe place for customers to purchase any kind of insurance in the easiest and fastest way possible from all over the country.